Bhagavad Gita
A synthesis of Hindu ideas about dharma, theistic bhakti, and the yogic ideals of moksha
The name Bhagavad Gita strikes a chord with almost everyone around the world. Whether someone believes in the Bhagavad Gita or not, the name is popular. A section of the corporate world deploys the principles of the Bhagavad Gita to improve productivity, prevent burnouts, enhance work ethics and much more. Also known as ‘Gitopanishad’, the Bhagavad Gita is a conversation between Lord Krishna and His dearmost devotee friend Arjuna.
In the 4th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says the following:
In the 4th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says the following:
imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam
vivasvan manave praha manur ikshvakave bravit
evam parampara-praptam imam rajarshayo viduh
sa kaleneha mahata yogo nashtaha parantapa
sa evayam maya te ‘dya yogah proktah puratanah
bhakto ‘si me sakha ceti rahasyam hy etad uttamam
vivasvan manave praha manur ikshvakave bravit
evam parampara-praptam imam rajarshayo viduh
sa kaleneha mahata yogo nashtaha parantapa
sa evayam maya te ‘dya yogah proktah puratanah
bhakto ‘si me sakha ceti rahasyam hy etad uttamam
In these verses, Lord Krishna says that He spoke the Bhagavad Gita to the Sun-God Vivasvan first. Vivasvan in turn, explained it to Manu, who in turn explained it to Ikshvaku. In this way, the knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita was passed down in disciplic succession. With the passage of time, the disciplic succession was broken and hence, Arjuna was chosen to start the disciplic succession again though it happened on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.
In this conversation, Lord Krishna instructs Arjuna about dharma, adharma, atma, Paramatma, jiva, and many other topics. It stresses on the importance of self-realization and the need to live a Krishna Conscious life full of true happiness.
The general understanding about Bhagavad Gita is that it is a Hindu holy book. This is a misunderstanding which popped up over the past few centuries. Those who have read the Bhagavad Gita with faith be it an Indian, Asian, Westerner, etc have all attested to the universality of its teachings irrespective of religion, caste or creed. It has been even referred to as the book of life by many.
The Gita Mahatmyam written by Sri Adi Shankaracharya glorifies the benefits of reading the Bhagavad Gita. Here they are for you to read and understand –
The general understanding about Bhagavad Gita is that it is a Hindu holy book. This is a misunderstanding which popped up over the past few centuries. Those who have read the Bhagavad Gita with faith be it an Indian, Asian, Westerner, etc have all attested to the universality of its teachings irrespective of religion, caste or creed. It has been even referred to as the book of life by many.
The Gita Mahatmyam written by Sri Adi Shankaracharya glorifies the benefits of reading the Bhagavad Gita. Here they are for you to read and understand –
gita-shastram idam punyam, yah pathet prayatah puman
vishnoh padam avapnoti, bhaya-shokadi-varjitah.
vishnoh padam avapnoti, bhaya-shokadi-varjitah.
One who, with a regulated mind, recites with devotion this Bhagavad-gita scripture which is the bestower of all virtue, will attain to a holy abode such as Vaikuntha, the residence of Lord Vishnu, which is always free from the mundane qualities based on fear and lamentation.
gitadhyayana-shilasya, pranayama-parasya ca
naiva santi hi papani, purva-janma-kritani ca
naiva santi hi papani, purva-janma-kritani ca
If one reads Bhagavad-gita very sincerely and with all seriousness, then by the grace of the Lord the reactions of his past misdeeds will not act upon him.
maline mocanam pumsam, jala-snanam dine dine
sakrid gitamrita-snanam, samsara-mala-nashanam
sakrid gitamrita-snanam, samsara-mala-nashanam
One may cleanse himself daily by taking a bath in water, but if one takes a bath even once in the sacred Ganges water of Bhagavad-gita, for him the dirt of material life is altogether vanquished.
gita su-gita kartavya, kim anyaih shastra-vistaraih
ya svayam padmanabhasya, mukha-padmad vinihsrita
ya svayam padmanabhasya, mukha-padmad vinihsrita
Because Bhagavad-gita is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one need not read any other Vedic literature. One need only attentively and regularly hear and read Bhagavad-gita. In the present age, people are so absorbed in mundane activities that it is not possible for them to read all the Vedic literature. But this is not necessary. This one book, Bhagavad-gita, will suffice, because it is the essence of all Vedic literatures and especially because it is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
bharatamrita-sarvasvam, vishnu-vaktrad vinihsritam
gita-gangodakam pitva, punar janma na vidyate
gita-gangodakam pitva, punar janma na vidyate
By drinking the Ganges waters of the Gita, the divine quintessence of the Mahabharat emanating from the holy lotus mouth of Lord Vishnu, one will never take rebirth in the material world again. In other words, by devotionally reciting the Gita, the cycle of birth and death is terminated.
sarvopanishado gavo, dogdha gopala-nandanah
partho vatsah su-dhir bhokta, dugdham gitamritam mahat
partho vatsah su-dhir bhokta, dugdham gitamritam mahat
All the Upanisads are like a cow, and the milker of the cow is Lord Shri Krishna, the son of Nanda. Arjuna is the calf, the beautiful nectar of the Gita is the milk, and the fortunate devotees of fine theistic intellect are the drinkers and enjoyers of that milk.
ekam shastram devaki-putra-gitam
eko devo devaki-putra eva
eko mantras tasya namani yani
karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva
eko devo devaki-putra eva
eko mantras tasya namani yani
karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva
There need be only one holy scripture-the divine Gita sung by Lord Shri Krishna: only one worshipable Lord-Lord Shri Krishna: only one mantra-His holy names: and only one duty-devotional service unto that Supreme Worshipable Lord, Shri Krishna.
The Bhagavad Gita is best understood by a person in the mood of surrender the way Arjuna understood. But most of us can better understand it if read with faith and an open mind. Five basic truths are clearly explained in the Bhagavad Gita i.e. Ishvara, Jiva, Prakriti, Kala and Karma. Among them, it has been established that Ishvara or Krishna is the greatest of them all.
Knowledge spoken by human beings are prone to the four defects i.e. committing mistakes, tendency to cheat others, illusioned and limited by imperfect senses. Unlike human beings, the knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita comes down directly from Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Hence, it is not affected by the defects affecting humans. Moreover, Arjuna confirms later in the book that the knowledge spoken by Lord Krishna has been confirmed by the great personalities like Asita, Devala, Narada Muni and many others.
Just like a machine requires a manual to operate it, this machine called the human body requires a manual to live a satisfying and successful life. If you operate the machine according to the manual, it runs properly and gives you value. Similarly, the Bhagavad Gita is the manual which can bring out the best in a human being.
The Bhagavad Gita As-It-Is by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (Srila Prabhupada) is the leading authoritative edition of the Bhagavad Gita in the modern world. Coming in the disciplic succession of Acharyas beginning from Lord Krishna Himself, Srila Prabhupada is the 32nd Acharya in the Brahma-Madhva Gaudiya sampradaya.
His authentic, crisp, simple and lucid explanation has caught the attention of leading personalities across the globe including the former Prime Minister of India Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri. The Bhagavad Gita As-It-Is defines the standard of commentary for the Gitopanishad. The Hare Krishna Movement derives its essence from the same.
You too can experience everlasting peace and happiness by buying your copy at the nearest Hare Krishna center.
Knowledge spoken by human beings are prone to the four defects i.e. committing mistakes, tendency to cheat others, illusioned and limited by imperfect senses. Unlike human beings, the knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita comes down directly from Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Hence, it is not affected by the defects affecting humans. Moreover, Arjuna confirms later in the book that the knowledge spoken by Lord Krishna has been confirmed by the great personalities like Asita, Devala, Narada Muni and many others.
Just like a machine requires a manual to operate it, this machine called the human body requires a manual to live a satisfying and successful life. If you operate the machine according to the manual, it runs properly and gives you value. Similarly, the Bhagavad Gita is the manual which can bring out the best in a human being.
The Bhagavad Gita As-It-Is by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (Srila Prabhupada) is the leading authoritative edition of the Bhagavad Gita in the modern world. Coming in the disciplic succession of Acharyas beginning from Lord Krishna Himself, Srila Prabhupada is the 32nd Acharya in the Brahma-Madhva Gaudiya sampradaya.
His authentic, crisp, simple and lucid explanation has caught the attention of leading personalities across the globe including the former Prime Minister of India Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri. The Bhagavad Gita As-It-Is defines the standard of commentary for the Gitopanishad. The Hare Krishna Movement derives its essence from the same.
You too can experience everlasting peace and happiness by buying your copy at the nearest Hare Krishna center.