Some Buddhist teachers insist that believing in rebirth is necessary for living an ethical life. Their concern is that if there is no fear of karmic repercussions in future lifetimes, what keeps hospice patients, for example, from overcharging their credit cards? I find this argument as sad as the argument that without a belief in…
Some Buddhist teachers insist that believing in rebirth is necessary for living an ethical life. Their concern is that if there is no fear of karmic repercussions in future lifetimes, what keeps hospice patients, for example, from overcharging their credit cards? I find this argument as sad as the argument that without a belief in…
Some Buddhist teachers insist that believing in rebirth is necessary for living an ethical life. Their concern is that if there is no fear of karmic repercussions in future lifetimes, what keeps hospice patients, for example, from overcharging their credit cards? I find this argument as sad as the argument that without a belief in…
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis Nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper Suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea Commodo consequat. Duis autem Vel um iriure dolor in hendrerit in Nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper Suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea Commodo consequat. Duis autem Vel um iriure dolor in hendrerit in Vlputate velit esse molestie…
Buddhist religion is not imposed on our guests. You do not even have to be a Buddhist to come and stay as long as you wish. We teach the way of thinking, not the rules of life.
We allow the participants of our courses and retreats to stay at Monastery provided that the basic rules of discipline are respected.
We organize regular meetings for mentors who want to share their wisdom and for apprentices who want to find enlightenment.